Studies of a Seated Nude from Behind with Long Hair Gustav Klimt Buy Art Prints Now
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Tom Gurney BSc (Hons) is an art history expert with over 20 years experience
Published on June 19, 2020 / Updated on October 14, 2023
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Studies of a Seated Nude from Behind with Long Hair

The artistry behind Gustav Klimt is showcased through pencil on paper sketches that illustrate precise attention to detail.

The Studies of a Seated Nude From Behind With Long Hair is part of a collection of drawings by artist Gustav Klimt, showcasing his technique through quick sketches. Other pieces belonging to his collection are Couple In Bed, Lovers, and Portrait of Young Woman. Klimt's pencil on paper sketches hold a similar style and feel to the artist William Turner. Similarly, Klimt's quick sketches that act as the blueprint to the artist's paintings have a classic style resembling Pablo Picasso's work.

The simplicity of Gustav Klimt's work acts as the mental foundation of for his grand paintings, as he works on his style and analyzes his ideas. The artist's sketchbook granted him a place to practice his technique and cultivate his artistry. The artist's preferred form of art tools within his sketchbooks was black chalk, pencils and coloured pencils. These mediums allowed Klimt to express his ideas, before illustrating them on paper.

The artist sketchbooks showcased his mastery, with of drawings speaking deeply to the viewer as it shows the ideas and thoughts of Klimt. As the artist felt an immense amount of criticism for his nude artwork, being deemed as pornographic, the artist was able to explore an erotic form of art within his sketchbooks. It is unknown whether Klimt planned to product these pieces on large scale canvases; however give the viewer a glimpse into the master's ideas. A few of the sexual sketches the artist has created include Reclining Female Nude and Reclining Woman.

Gustav Klimt's Studies of a Seated Nude From Behind With Long Hair illustrates a woman hunched over as her back is showcased to the viewer. The woman's long hair flows along the side of her face, hiding any glimpse the viewer is able to catch. Klimt's is known for portraying hair in incredibly long form, using it as a tool to add to the piece. The long hair within Klimt's work symbolises movement and live, as it intertwines with the natural presence of the atmosphere and water becoming one. Both women's backs are lightly sketched to outline the woman's body illustrating her curves. The two drawings seem to be two versions of the same idea. It is most likely that Klimt had his model pose as he sketched her form.

The sketch will later go on to be used in Klimt's painting Goldfish, which depicts woman swimming underwater with their hair flowing freely with a gold fish. Klimt produced this painting upon receiving an array of criticism that his work was erotic and inappropriate. The artist had challenged his rivals by producing a work depict the female naked body in it's natural form.

Klimt's skilful hands will go on to sketch over 4,000 drawings, all tucked away within his studio. Sketches allowed the artist to feel his work, while developing his technique. While not all of his sketches have developed into masterpieces, they offer the viewer a glimpse into the artist's mind. We are able to see that at the bottom of the woman on the left side, is Gustav Klimt's signature. While the sketch was purely a draft, the artist still saw his on work as art as he signs it.